Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Heard of people eating cat/dog meat? I've just figured a way to kill them without being cruel.

First up, we feed them so that 1) they will not be a hungry ghost after death 2) meat being more tender and bouncy and juicy (the makan-crab philosophy)

After they had their meals, we play with them. Make sure they're very happy and excited. Die edi also wont be a sad ghost ma...

After few minutes of games, grab your smelly socks. More smelly the better. Let them sniff...

After smelling the stinky socks, confirm pengsan...

After making them unconscious, put them to sleep.

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Then the sixth step, chop them into pieces.. wash and marinate and etc etc...

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Bring the meat to the kitchen to cook...

Lastly, serve the guest

*tah tang~~~~~* Claypot dog meat

Dog meat is actually a Hakka delicacy. It's very popular in Vietnam, Korea and China. As for in Malaysia, I think only the older generation would eat it.

Anyway, the SPCA is greatly against this. Killing dog is cruel and eating them is inhumane. But too bad so far in Malaysia there is no law that protect pets being eaten. =(

But from what I heard, not every kind of dog can be eaten, only one "special" breed (from description, it actually sounds like bulldog hahaha), usually people would keep the dogs in a barn and stuff and are treated like factory chicken. Only dumb ass thinks every dog can be eaten. It's just like frogs, only spring frogs can be eaten, not the others.

And now, I feel like eating fox and bats. HAaaHHahHAHAahahaHHAHAAaHhaa...

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