Today, work morning shift.
K there are 3 shifts.
Morning (7am to 3 pm)
Afternoon (3pm to 11 pm)
Night (11pm to 7 am)
So, woke up at 5 in the morning. Take my sweet time in make up-ing.. GOSH, i suck in lining my eye line...especially when i need to dust eye shadow on my eye lids.. I din really listen to Miss Geetha as i wore lip gloss instead of lip stick. Well, i'll be meeting lotsa macho guys n u dun expect me to make myself look like auntie ma.. rite anot?!?!!
So, there's briefing. There's always briefing whenever changing shift. I dun understand a thing.. Then Miss Geetha asked me, good u did everything i told u too but ur lips...i see no colour. Then i told her lo, that i put colour lipgloss then she says "no. I says lipstick". Then she asked one of her girls to colour my lips using the night shift's asst manager's auntie colour lipstick. Then everyone says i look nice. But i dun like. to me i look really like pasar malam barbie doll...
Yea. I miss out one thing. Somehow people there dun think i am a chinese. Some say i am sabahan those native, some thinks i am thai, some says i am northern malays ( kelantan n terengganu)... Do i look that not chinese?!?!?!?!!? ish ish
People in the front office is damn nice. Friendly, and funny. The chief bellman, Mr Zul and miss geetha are 'enemies'..owiz argue and shoot each other... damn funny when they quarrel.. Miss Geetha is nice. She taught me some of the procedure when checking in n out the customer n she told me to smile ALWAYS. not happy oso smile. happy smile oso. angry oso smile. the guest very yong sui must also smile. phew..tough job!
Yea. I at first dunno Mr. Zul's name. So i refer him as uncle botak. So, this actually gives Miss Geetha another chance to 'attack' Mr. Zul haha.. damn cute.. Yea. One thing. Today, eat spagetti. Seafood spagetti. hehe.. the sotong ring..damn big. then the tomato paste got prawns summor.. then mushroom soup..wasai, damn wangi.. i eat damn a lot. hehe
There's a girl took HIAS oso. so, i ask some stuff bout HIAS. And it seems like, after HIAS, her pay was 1200 then this is her second year working in hilton and she's getting 1600 per month. well, not quite bad la the salary part... hehe.. and at the same time, my korea manager, i just found out that he is actually a china man. From Hokkien province.
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